Deliver a significant software upgrade and user interface to a large government workforce.

~ Programs we’ve put into practice.
NSW Government Department of Family and Community Services
The brief:
The challenge:
Recover a project that was in ‘the red’ and deliver successfully in a compressed timeframe. The software upgrade itself was high priority as it related to information governance and customer delivery.
The process:
Designed and delivered a change management strategy, collaborating with a diverse range of stakeholder groups.
The outcomes:
Project moved from ‘red’ to ‘green’ in record time.
3000+ users trained on new system, with 99% able to use systems effectively from day one.
Zero union disputes.
(retail and digital gambling entertainment leader)
The brief:
Embed a risk function and culture into a large organisation experiencing regulatory challenges.
The challenge:
Successful set up of a risk function while managing short term financial crime and anti-money laundering risks. Transform corporate culture into one where over 5,000 staff and 3,000 retailers (with 25,000 workers) are actively conscious of their corporate social responsibility as part of core business activities.
The process:
Belle&Co defined the scope of requirements and formalised project delivery, including a robust governance structure. Project sponsors were identified and trained. Business units incorporated risk metrics into their deliverables. The corporate brand was adapted to include a strong corporate social responsibility focus.
The program was delivered in an agile manner, through integrated streams of work.
The outcomes:
12% increase in staff engagement in 12 months, directly relating to corporate social responsibility.
80% improvement in compliance with regulatory requirements, resulting in successful business licence extensions.
Pendal Group
(Investment and Fund Management)
The brief:
Demerge and deliver a name change and new brand for staff and stakeholders.
The challenge:
Following a reduced shareholding from parent brand Westpac, BT Investment Management planned a demerge and name change to reflect its evolution to independence. Shareholder approval of the new name was required prior to an immediate transition into a new brand.
The process:
A readiness review was conducted at the outset of the program, to inform project scoping, planning and delivery. An internal communications framework and new project tools were introduced to integrate stakeholder communications across multiple business units.
The outcomes:
Fast delivery. Demerge, stakeholder, asset change out, processes update and related change and communications activity delivered in a four month period with broad market and staff alignment.
99.6% ‘yes’ vote from shareholders for name change.
News Corp Australia
The brief:
Transition the Australian editorial business from a daily print cycle to a 24 hour multi-channel news cycle.
The challenge:
Shift service capability to support business vision. In order to deliver wholesale efficiencies through reduced delivery times without impacting customer advocacy, a core business system and culture transformation was required. The existing structure generated a high degree of internal competition, as journalists across 124 publications were writing stories independently. A new model was developed to support sharing of content so that stories can be published multiple times, across publications. The model requires journalists to work collaboratively in a new system, in a continuous news cycle, across state and international borders.
The process:
A leader-led initiative was developed, with 124 editors strongly supporting the program objectives. Across Australia, 8000 journalists and staff were aligned and trained on new processes and systems. Unions and other stakeholders were engaged throughout the 18 month program.
The outcomes:
99.6% of staff and journalists were able to contribute to the project outcomes at launch.
0 union complaints or actions.
Big Four Australian Bank
The brief:
Design, execute and improve the annual Unclaimed Monies process, to enable customers to access bank accounts that have been left dormant for six years or more.
The challenge:
A ‘design, measure, learn and improve’ approach for a three month process was agreed with the client. Belle&Co worked closely with 12 operations managers to understand the report requirements that would activate strong customer action. Engagement with the consumer and commercial data analytics teams ensured delivery of actionable reports within the constraints of six impacted systems.
The process:
Drive strong customer action and re-engage with account owners across all 12 bank brands. In some cases owners are not identifiable and in others, accounts were owned by two or more persons.
The outcomes:
70% reduction in operational effort to recover monies that had been transferred to the ASIC trust account.
90 reports to support strong action by sales and services teams.